Which Denture is Right for You?

Tooth loss can significantly impact your quality of life, affecting not only your appearance but also your ability to speak and eat normally. Fortunately, modern restorative dentistry offers numerous options for replacing missing teeth. Among the most common solutions are dentures and partials.

Modern restorative dentistry offers numerous options for replacing missing teeth, such as dentures and partials.

Dentures: A Comprehensive Solution

Dentures are removable substitutes for missing teeth. They’re typically used when a patient is missing a full arch or all their natural teeth. These appliances can help restore both function and aesthetics to your smile, enabling you to enjoy everyday activities like eating and speaking without discomfort or difficulty. Our skilled restorative dentists in Gaithersburg, MD, offer custom-made traditional dentures that closely resemble natural teeth, offering minimal changes to your appearance while possibly improving the look of your smile.

Partials: Filling in the Gaps

Partial dentures serve as an alternative solution when only a few teeth are missing. Similar to dental bridges, they fill gaps left behind after tooth loss – providing stability while preserving existing healthy teeth. The decision between full dentures and partials depends on each individual’s unique dental needs. Our experienced doctors will consult with you personally, evaluating your oral health status before recommending the best tooth replacement option suited for you.

Implant-Supported Dentures: The Modern Approach

In line with our commitment to delivering cutting-edge dental care, we proudly offer implant-supported dentures at our Gaithersburg practice. This innovative approach involves anchoring the prosthetic appliance onto strategically placed dental implants – small titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone which act as artificial roots for replacement teeth. Patients appreciate this solution because it can eliminate common issues associated with traditional removable prosthetics, such as slippage during use. Implant-supported devices often provide superior comfort and stability compared with their conventional counterparts, allowing you to use your smile just as naturally as before.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’re ready to take the next step towards restoring your smile and quality of life, we invite you to visit Totally Smiles in Gaithersburg, MD. Our dedicated dental professionals are committed to delivering exceptional care tailored specifically for each patient’s needs. To learn more about denture options or other restorative dentistry services available at our practice, schedule an appointment online today or give us a call if you have any questions.